Code Roundup #1 | November 2022

Jon Lehman
3 min readDec 5, 2022


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🦃 I hope you had a fantastic November!

Each month I collect the most interesting and useful code snippets from sources like Codepen, Glitch, and Replit. Have any snippets that I missed? or are you writing cool code on different platforms? Comment what you’ve been working on so that I can feature you!

See the bottom of article for details on the criteria considered when choosing these projects or if you would like to be featured!

Picks from Codepen

Stunt Preloader by Jon Kanter

The Footer Pull by Chris Coyier (Medium:


Criteria Details

There are no rigid criteria for the projects featured. However, when choosing I prioritize the following:

  1. Created or published within specified month. (some platforms make the created date a bit tough to find. In these cases I try and make my best guess.)
  2. The code is useful as-is.
  3. Parts of the code are useful as-is or the output of the tool is.
  4. I try and find projects that don’t rely on heavy frameworks.

Get Featured

Did you write some code for this month that you think could be useful to others and should have been featured? Comment below and share! Or if you’re writing code that will be published in the next month, let me know in the comments so I can feature you!

